Brian Walitt’s Radical Bias: Disorders of Subjective Perception, ME/CFS as Normal Life Experience?


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1 Response to Walitt_Picture

  1. Suzanne Beaudoin says:

    There is always people that talk about what they know nothing about. Dr.Walitt is a good exemple of this . Stupidity and moronic views like his unfounded theories damages the lives of suffering people to the point of no return and brings those people to their knees in great despair , even to the point of contemplating putting an end to their life-long agony.
    Please stop the voice of insanity by removing any doubt or prejudices you have of something you know nothing or very little of .
    If you know someone suffering from Fibromyalgia ,be kind enough to care for the hardship they are in
    See them in a new light. If it was your own hardship and suffering would you take a stand and pretend that you are 5his sick just to get att would possess them to pretend to be that sick

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